Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 30, 2009

I'm hangin' solo with Sampson today and tonight, while Andy enjoys some much needed (and well deserved) time away. He skipped off to Fresno to hang with some friends.

Sampson relaxed in the yard, while I planted some new tomato plants and attempted to kill the MOTHER of all black widow spiders (seriously, I spent nearly 20 minutes pacing back and forth before she made a move for the house and I had to bite the bullet and whack her with a shovel).

Last Thursday marked 8 weeks since Sampson's surgery. We have an appointment scheduled on Monday with the surgeon. I'm assuming she will take more x-rays to see how his pelvis is healing. I'm hoping that they will also check out his lungs, just to see if he has any additional leakage. I'm also hoping that they will give us the "ok" to encourage Sampson to move around more, since he is now very antsy. We will have to wait and see. xoxo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

I asked Andy, "What has Sam been up to?"

He replied, "Sampson has been watching Mad Men." Which just about sums up what we have done the past two days. The heat has been killer. When we get home from work, we pump up the A/C, hop in the pool, eat some din, and lie on the futon mattress to watch Mad Men.

Still on the hunt for the software to download the videos of Sampson frolicking in the yard. A friend suggested a video player that I will use (thanks Roo!), but, I can't seem to find the CD I need to get the videos off my camera. Aaaaaaaaargh!

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25, 2009

We've had a busy Memorial holiday weekend.

I was able to sneak away to post some pics and give an update, while the boys prepare the massive meal that we will enjoy this evening.

On Saturday, the three of us packed up and headed to Concord to celebrate Andy's brother-in-law's b-day. We were a little unsettled by Sampson when we first arrived- he wanted to explore the house and yard and say hello to all the people instead of laying down, like we wanted him to. After some time, and great pets by Allen Chaw, Sampson was sound asleep on the living room floor, and we were able to enjoy great food and conversation with the family.

On Sunday, we left Sampson at home for the day, so we could enjoy a BBQ in Granite Bay at the Casa de Cook (Andy's Uncle Dave & Aunt Janice's house) with Andy's fam & my bro and sis-in-law. We think that Sampson enjoyed the time home alone, as he seemed pretty exhausted after Saturday's journey.

Today (Sunday), we noticed that Sampson's arm incision was irritating him. He was using his back leg to itch it, and the skin was very red. We examined the area and realized that he had nearly an inch of a suture hanging out of his skin. We called the vet, and she explained that this particular string should dissolve over time. He must have pulled it out during an itching fit. She recommended that we simply cut it off as close to the skin as possible, so he wouldn't be able to pull it out further. Nurse Andy to the rescue! Things look fine now.

Sampson chilled on the deck by the pool as we swam with friends.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20, 2009

I snapped this picture right after Andy entered the room and exclaimed "Why haven't we done this before?!"

Andy was able to capture some good vids of Sampson walking around the backyard this afternoon. Now, I need to figure out how to get them off the camera and onto my computer- I need to find the necessary software. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19, 2009

Sampson is on the move!

By 9am on Sunday morning it was 89 degrees outside. We were up early to continue in our quest for a sparkling, summer-ready pool. We took Sampson outside and put him down on a blanket under the tree in our side yard, and we walked around the back of the house to the pool. Andy and I were crowded around the pump/filter behind the pool, when I heard a noise on the opposite side, near the gate. I asked Andy if he had heard it too, and walked around to the front of the pool and was SHOCKED to see Sampson standing in front of me, tongue out, panting. I said to Andy.... "SAMPSON'S HERE!" We both ran over to him, still not understanding what had just happened. We carried him back to where he started his walk... about 30 yards away. Maybe he wanted to see us? Who knows. But, he was able to get up on his own and hop on over to us. A few minutes later, he was at it again. This time, we watched him get up off the blanket, and hop over to the sliding glass door. We figured it was too hot for him and he wanted to go back inside.

This morning, he ran all around the yard, with Andy chasing behind him. He's quick- VERY quick. His back legs look strong, and he seems to have no problem with the balance on his single front leg.

Pretty cool.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

Nothing much new to report. Yesterday, Sampson led Andy on a tour of the entire backyard. He wandered from one side to the other, and back again. Andy told me he struggled to keep up with our three-legged buddy.

Today, Sampson yelled at me when I picked him up incorrectly. I learned my lesson, and was a bit shaken up by his cry. It was a harsh reminder that he's still healing/delicate. I need to work on my technique. Andy seems to have the magic touch.
I guess I deserve the ugly look.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10, 2009

Shout out on this Mama's Day to the two BEST mamas in the world - Cindy & Cherie. I know you both read this whenever you have the time, and I appreciate it, as I appreciate all you have done for us during this experience. Big.... HUGE, hugs, kisses, and slobbers out to you.

Here is a pic of our garden. I'm not much of a green thumb, but every year we plant a few tomato plants, red peppers, jalapeno peppers, basil, zucchini & squash in our garden. Last year, we tried bell peppers- didn't work out, so we passed this year. I'm hoping to make the backyard our new favorite "room", as I anticipate spending a ton of time in it with Sampson this summer. Andy is working on cleaning up the pool. Every winter, it becomes a wildlife refuge, and it takes us a few weeks to get it summer-ready. Sampson enjoyed watching us work from his spot under the tree.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9, 2009

It has been a long time since we've had a "busy" weekend. Most of our weekends have been dedicated to nursing our wounds. Now, it seems, we have a bunch of busy weekends coming up and with Sampson healing as well as he has been, we are looking forward to returning to our normal, but hectic, schedules.

I started today with a quick race- 3 miles, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. After, we packed up some blankets, drinks, and Sammy, and headed to Livermore to celebrate Mom's Day with Andy's family. "Go," "ride" and "car" are three of Sampson's favorite words, and when we used them in a complete sentence this morning, he went berserk! Unlike most dogs, he doesn't get in the typical dog/car position- face outside the window, tongue flapping in the wind- but rather, he enjoys sitting in the back seat, staring at us, as if we were all engaged in deep conversation. He will periodically look out the window.

We met up at a lovely and scenic park in Sunol where we enjoyed lunch with Andy's parents, sister and her husband. We all had a blast- Sampson included- although he seemed preoccupied with the golden retriever at the next picnic table over.

After that, we took a quick trip to Napa to deliver flowers to my mom. My parents were excited to see Sampson so lively during this visit. We chilled with my parents briefly, before heading back to Sac with our exhausted pup. Sampson slept the entire way home and is now crashed out on his bed. I think this big day will have him soundly sleeping well into Sunday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009

Here are a few cute pics from the last couple of days:

Sampson snuggling on Andy's lap while he plays video games.

Cinco de Mayo with friends Abe, Kjer, Matt, & Natalie. Sampson is in his favorite spot- under the table (about to beg for food).

Sampson, apparently no longer happy on the futon mattress, slid onto the floor. He seemed pretty happy there.

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4, 2009

I was happily surprised when I came home from work today. I pulled my car into the garage and saw Andy & Sampson in the backyard through the side window. I walked into the house, dropped off my stuff, and headed outside to join them. Before I stepped outside, I noticed Sampson was standing without Andy supporting him. I slid open the door, stepped outside, and my doggy hopped about five or six steps, VERY quickly, toward me! Andy and I both leaped toward him, but he appeared very comfortable up on his three legs. Our doctors have told us that during this learning period, his walking wouldn't be "graceful." That's fine by me. I'm just overjoyed that he's feeling strong enough to walk on his own.

This is a big step--- errrrr--- HOP---- in the right direction!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 3, 2009

Today we had a very nice brunch at a new hotel in Napa, to celebrate my Grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary. My parents and Aunts-n-Uncles gave them a digital camera as a gift, and my brother and I (and our significant others) gave them a digital picture frame. I think they may be a little alarmed by their new technology, but I'm sure they'll figure it out. They only have a week to figure out the digi-camera before they hop on a train and travel for a few days to Missouri. My grandma has always wanted to travel somewhere by train, and although they've heard some horror stories about the accomodations, they seem eager to go. Hopefully, they will capture some of their crazy antics on their new digi to then display in their new frame.

We put Sampson in his kennel to rest at about 10am, and we arrived home at 2:30pm. I am happy to report that he wasn't too upset with us. We took him outside to enjoy a few moments of sunshine, before it went back behind the clouds. Now, he's sleeping at my feet as I type.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2, 2009

Great rainy Saturday, watching movies with my boys. Sampson loves the weekends because he gets to see and hear his dad for the entire day. Tomorrow, he will be in the kennel for a few hours, while we are in Napa. Hopefully he isn't too pissed at us when we get home. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009

Cheers to a new (and hopefully better) month! Andy and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner last night with Cherie & Bob Moss, and Andy's cousin David, who is visiting from Florida. Sampson loved the attention from our visitors, he even made an attempt to walk out of his kennel without much supervision.

Today's rain is keeping all of us indoors. I don't think Sampson minds much, as he is currently fast asleep with his head resting on my foot. Andy is enjoying a DVD he purchased, with footage of his favorite band on tour. He had his first session of physical therapy today, and everything looks good, according to the doctors. He will need to perform various exercises throughout the day to build strength in his fingers, and to stretch out the muscles on the top of his hand.

We are looking forward to a lazy, rainy Saturday, and a lovely Sunday in Napa at my Grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary celebration!