Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year! On Halloween, Andy and I will be handing out candy in Napa (dressed as Wayne & Garth) and Sampson will be spending the night with his sister and Lilly. Should be fun for the whole fam.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009
VPI Pet Insurance. If you don't have your pet insured - do it... if only for piece of mind. As animal hospitals become more advanced and medical procedures for pets become more sophisticated, they also become more costly. Vets today can offer treatments that were unheard of just a few years ago, and parents today are willing to spend the money to help heal their pets. Dog owners can pay an average of $35 per month for coverage. Had we known about this, we never would have thought twice about insuring Sampson, and we are now considering various plans for him. You may never use it, and you may not think you need it. We didn't think we needed it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009

And I'm back! My feet are sore from walking around Disneyland & California Adventure in flip-flops (not wise). We had a wonderful time checking out the awesome Halloween decorations.

Sampson was mildly excited to see me - I think he had a great time hanging with his dad.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15, 2009

Tomorrow is boss's day - and I plan on doing some major kissing-up by bringing this "fruit pizza" to our pot luck. This is a recipe I got from my mom, who now has it absolutely perfected. We'll have to see how it turns out.

I'm leaving for Disneyland on Sunday. Very exciting as I haven't been there since California Adventure was built. Unfortunately, Andy won't be going. Work is getting busy again, and he may have a second job by early next week (fingers crossed). He will spend some quality time with Sampson, and I won't have to worry about our little guy.

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009

Disclaimer: This story may appear cuter to me than to you readers.

Sampson walks backwards on our hardwood floors. He has done this since he was a pup, and he still does it today. Therefore, we must carry him down the hallway to the bedroom to sleep, and then carry him out once again in the morning.

Today, we had construction workers drilling and jackhammering in our court, which I believe scared Sampson so much that he ran into the bedroom to hide under the bed. Andy came home during his lunch break, and Sampson was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes of standing in the kitchen, trying to think of where he went, Andy heard Sampson whimpering in the bedroom. Andy looked down the hall, and this is what he saw (see pics). Andy witnessed the same thing once he got home from work this afternoon - Sampson "stuck" in the bedroom. What a weirdo.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8, 2009

It has been an ongoing joke with ANYONE who knows my fiance- that he NEVER wears matching socks... I mean, EVER. He frequently sports one white tube sock and one black dress sock, or one brown wool sock and one gray athletic sock. This has been commonplace since I met him. Today, after working the Rental Housing Expo, I came home and noticed that not only was I wearing two difference socks, but one of them was inside out.

In other news, Sampson is doing wonderful, as is Andy. :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Adding on to yesterday's post about our weekend - Sampson had a wonderful weekend too. He had a slumber party with his sister Brody and friend Lilly. They had plenty of quality time hanging in the yard. Today, he's especially itchy, I'm assuming from the drastic change in weather. We're trying to keep warm, and trying not to get sick (Andy and I both have the scratchy throat thang goin on). Yuck.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

On Thursday October 1, we celebrated Andy's 29th birthday with his parents and sister by going out for a very delicious dinner at Roxy's followed by frozen yogurt - Andy's fave. I surprised Andy with an Amazon Kindle, which I figured he would get good use out of because he's always reading.

For Saturday, our good friend Matt put together a lunch/brewery tour at Sierra Nevada. Our group of 13 people piled into a huge 15-seater van, and drove to Chico. After a quick tour, we enjoyed wonderful food, beer samplers, and finished it off by singing Happy Bday (very loudly) to Andy. On our way back to Sac, we stopped off at Abe & Kjer's house to pick up Brody & Lilly. They hopped into the van and crawled over and under the seats until we got back to our house where we continued celebrating Andy's Bday.

Today, we are recuperating from all of the fun by lounging on the couch, BBQing with friends and watching football.