Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

Good riddance 2009! What a horrible, horrible year. I am very much looking forward to a new year, a clean slate. We're going to be careful in 2010, with our money, with Sam, with our hands & blood, and anything else that could potentially be injured. So far, a few good things to come in 2010- big trip to Playa Del Carmen for Abe & Kjer's Wedding, possible loan modification for our home, and more time to plan our wedding. Another big hope for 2010- a new heart and kidney for Andy's dad. C'mon 2010!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009

Merry day after Christmas! We are still hungover from the mass amount of food consumption, but feeling pretty good today after a quick trip to the gym and spending time putting away all of our wonderful gifts.

This year, Sampson spent the holiday with his sister and Lilly over at Abe & Kjer's house. We drove to Napa for Xmas Eve with my fam. Per usual, we were spoiled with gifts and enjoyed an unbelievable meal of prime rib, cheesy potatoes, and the rest of our holiday meal tradition, which we had been looking forward to the entire year!

On Christmas Day, we drove to Livermore to spend the day with Andy's fam. Again, we were spoiled with wonderful gifts and great company. We laughed a ton during our holiday gift steal/exchange, especially as Andy's cousin opened the gift that Andy provided- a Snuggie & various board games.

After picking up Sam, we gave him a prime rib bone at home that we snagged from my parents, and Sampson ate the entire thing... bone and all! He opened a gift from my parents- he was totally spoiled this year, even after being a bad dog early in '09.

Overall, a great holiday and we are looking forward to the weekend to relax.

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21, 2009

We think that Sampson can hear Andy's car almost a mile away. He'll sit up, perk his ears, and once he sees his car enter the court, he starts spinning circles on the floor. It'll take Andy a minute or two to get through the door, but as soon as he does the freak-out session begins. Sampson will jump up on him, kiss his face, and eventually find this comfortable spot (see pic) pushed up against Andy to get some serious pets. This is the daily routine. Sampson adores his dad.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009

Meet Faith.
Andy came across this article in The Sacramento Bee today. I found it online and had to post.

Source: sacbee.com

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

We definitely have a restless puppy on our hands. We have been trying hard to get Sam out for walks as much as possible, but with this cold/rainy weather, it's been difficult. Once the rain stops, we rush him out the door to get a good walk in. But, this past weekend, it rained nonstop so he was in the house the entire time and was very vocal with his disgust. At one point last night, Andy mentioned "I don't think I've ever heard him make that noise," and I agreed- he sounded like a seal. He pushed himself across the carpet, groaning and barking at us, and he plopped himself at our feet and gnawed at the bottom of the couch. He was pissed. But, he chilled out in the evening and was his usual snuggly self. I love the winter, but have realized, rain/snow/cold is not conducive to a happy puppy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

Big news this week regarding the Fluken/Moss Nuptials. We had initially gone forward and set our wedding date at the Napa Valley Country Club, for September 18, 2010. After much conversation and taking into account the difficult year we had in 2009 – we have decided to go ahead and push our wedding date back a year. We feel comfortable with this decision, as it gives us more time to plan/save for our exciting day, and we are thankful that our wedding coordinator is willing to cooperate with our change of plans. We are looking forward to enjoying our long engagement and the planning process. We are now set for September 17, 2011 at the NVCC!

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

It snowed in Sacramento today! Unfortunately, the only snow I saw was either pictures online or on the top of my coworkers' cars. It's freezing outside. Andy and Sampson just walked in the door from their walk. Time to snuggle and warm up.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

Christmas season is here and it arrived way too fast! Yesterday, we donned our gay apparel and trimmed our tree- it's full of doggy ornaments that we've acquired over the years. It's freezing cold in Sacramento now, and they're predicting 1-2 inches of snow to hit the area tomorrow! I read that this hasn't happened since '76. Luckily, we are fully equipped with our new furnace that heats up our entire house in 5 minutes. Sam is being a total wuss about the weather- he immediately wants back inside once we let him out. He's currently snuggled up on his bed that we placed near a vent.